3 Easy Ways To Boost Your Metabolism

For those who struggle with a slower metabolism, you may find it difficult to lose weight, or seem to put it all back on from that one meal you ate.

Bare Blends

Bare Blends



For those who struggle with a slower metabolism, you may find it difficult to lose weight, or seem to put it all back on from that one meal you ate.

The good news is, that outside factors such as diet and activity can influence your metabolic rate. So you can, therefore, increase your metabolism by eating certain foods and being more active.

Metabolism is all about how many calories you burn. Each cell in your body needs a certain amount of energy to survive. Those who burn through more energy have a higher metabolic rate, and those who need less, have a slower metabolic rate.

Your total daily energy expenditure (or TDEE) is how much energy, or the actual calories, you spend in a day, including exercise. No matter if your metabolism is fast or slow, eating more calories than your TDEE will cause you to put on weight. Eating less than your TDEE will cause you to lose weight.

A slower metabolism, which could be caused by a health issue, genetics, or something else, will mean that your TDEE is lower than average, which can make weight loss more difficult.

So what are some easy ways to give your metabolism a boost? Here are our suggestions of ways to boost your metabolism.


Protein has an extensive effect on metabolism. Firstly, this is because your body will burn more energy digesting protein that it would for the same amount of carbohydrates.

This is due to the thermic effect of protein. This means that the amount of energy burned by your body during the processing of nutrients (i.e. digestion, absorption, transport, metabolism and storage of nutrients) is much higher for protein than it is for other foods. Nearly one-third of the calories in protein are burned in the process of digesting of it.

Protein induced thermogenesis also has an important effect on satiety. This is thought to be because a higher protein diet leads to a higher thermic effect of food, as well as increased secretion of satiety hormones and regulated release of glucose for balanced blood sugar levels. Lower insulin levels after a meal also means that your body can process food more quickly and efficiently, which equates to burning more calories and storing less fat.

As well as this, protein builds metabolically active muscle and prevents body fat storage.

All in all, a higher protein diet can boost metabolism at meal times. So it’s important to swap some of the carbohydrates on your dinner plate with good sources of protein to help your body effectively burn calories.


Regular exercise can increase your basal metabolic rate (BMR) also known as resting metabolic rate, which is the rate at which your body burns calories without any movement or activity. It also greatly increases your TDEE each time you exercise.


Matcha is a potent source of green tea catechins that help to increase your body's metabolism, burning calories quicker. With all variables (age, weight, gender, ethnicity, diet and energy expenditure) accounted for, matcha has been proven to increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation in overweight individuals. Catechins also help to trigger the release of fat from fat cells and helps speed the liver’s capacity for turning fat into energy.

Bare Blends’ Organic Japanese Matcha Green Tea is grown in Kyoto, Japan. Matcha is naturally high in health-promoting tea catechins, chlorophyll and amino acids. It's great for boosting your metabolism, enhancing concentration, and reducing stress. Matcha is so full of antioxidants that it's been deemed the anti-aging tea. Matcha also helps to oxidise fat stores within the body to promote weight loss.


So although metabolism may seem to be out of our control, or something determined by genetics, it is in your power to speed up your metabolism by making healthier and more active lifestyle choices.

Similarly to your fitness levels, your metabolic rate can decrease if you fall off the bandwagon. Being inactive for a long period of time will ultimately result in a decreased TDEE, and therefore a slower metabolic rate.

A great way to include more protein in your everyday diet is by using a protein powder. Bare Blends whey protein isolate (WPI) is a versatile protein powder containing very high levels of protein (roughly 26g per 30g serve) and minimal amounts of sugars, carbs, and fats.

These WPI blends are an ideal source of protein after exercise. Not only will they help to boost your overall metabolic rate, they will also assist with building muscle, managing weight, and toning up. It will also provide your muscles with the nutrients they need to recover quickly after exercise.

These blends are also extremely handy for quick, nutrient-dense breakfast smoothies when you don't have time for anything else. Blending up a serve of our WPI with dairy/nut milk or your liquid of choice, with some frozen fruit is a delicious healthy breakfast which will keep you sustained, and contains the protein and amino acids which your body needs to recover and perform optimally.

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Bare Blends
