Staying Healthy With Pro Surfer Ellie Brooks
Meet Ellie Brooks, a professional Surfer with a love of good food and an active upbeat lifestyle.

Bare Blends

Meet Ellie Brooks, a professional surfer with a love of good food and an active upbeat lifestyle. Ellie leads a busy life, fitting in multiple training sessions daily, travelling, competing and even studying! Growing up on the Gold Coast, Ellie’s love for the ocean began at a young age and has led to her pro-surfing career. She is now on team Roxy, competing in international competitions and killing it! We asked her all about how she fuels her body for those busy and active days.
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am a professional surfer born and bred on the Gold Coast, Australia. I'm 23 and currently competing internationally on the World Qualifying Series with the end goal of making it on to the World Championship Surfing Tour. I have a huge passion for health and fitness, I live and breathe it! I also love cooking and creating recipes that nourish the body and help me perform at my best! I am also currently studying business management at university part time as a backup for future Ellie.
What was the 'aha' moment that inspired you to get into health and wellbeing?
A few years ago, I travelled to China for a competition and managed to get severe food poisoning or gastro a few days in, which left me in the bathroom for about 5 days. I remained ill for quite some time after. I managed to get home and headed straight to get some blood tests and found out that I had glandular fever. Travelling through airports whilst being sick definitely didn’t help. I realised that if I wanted to do well and achieve my goals that my health was crucial, so it became my number one priority. I went to my naturopath for advice and she recommended no gluten or dairy and eating a plant-based diet. So I changed everything up, both from my diet and added a few herb supplements to help speed up the process of my recovery. I noticed a huge difference in my health, lifestyle, wellbeing and athletic performance.

Talk us through a typical day in your life.
Due to my sport, my days can vary as I travel a lot. Most mornings I wake up early (around 5-5.30am) and start my day with a glass of warm water mixed with the juice of half a lemon. Prior to my 7am surf training down at the beach I have half a papaya with a squeeze of lime juice or a Bare Blends Collagen Bar with my morning coffee – a long black with a dash of coconut milk.
After training I have a smoothie, usually a green one to get all my nutrients in. I add my Bare Blends Plant Protein with some almond butter, chia seeds, and berries! Depending on how hungry I am, I will sometimes make it into a smoothie bowl with homemade granola when I am looking for something more sustaining. I love eggs or peanut butter and banana on gluten free toast too.
At 11am I head to the gym for surfing specific metabolic/movement training. Lunch is usually a big veggie-based salad with quinoa and protein. I love to add pumpkin, massaged kale, tomatoes, beetroot, coriander, broccoli with tuna or homemade roast chicken and a tahini dressing. Then I usually catch up on emails, social media duties and Uni assignments.
For a snack I love protein balls, veggie chips or celery and carrots with hummus. I usually surf in the afternoon again or fit in a pilates class depending on how my body is feeling.
Dinner consists of lean protein of some form, I love fish! I add lots of veggies or a salad. I love to have an early dinner so I can let my food settle and digest before bed.

Coffee or tea?
Coffee! Long black with a dash of coconut milk.
What is your indulgence of choice?
Homemade treats like gluten and dairy-free choc chip banana bread, a healthy slice, dark chocolate almonds, or a Bare Blends Collagen Bar (they taste like a brownie).
4 foods you can’t live without?
Sweet potato, coconut in any form, avocado, cacao and my Bare Greens.
What’s your go-to snack for those days on the run?
A Bare Blends smoothie, protein balls, or rice cakes with avo or a nut butter.
And any last words of advice or tips for those starting out on their health journey?
To try and listen to your body as much as possible! To have a positive mindset/relationship with food. To go get active, there is honestly no better feeling than those post work out endorphins! And to of course to enjoy the process of becoming a healthier version of you!

Follow Ellie: @elliejbrooksss